I'm New!
What can I expect?

Welcome to Holy Trinity

Child of God, You are Welcome Here!


Newcomers and Visitors

Welcome to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. We are grateful for the opportunity to worship with you. We gather to give praise to God and to celebrate the Good News of Jesus Christ. We hope that during our worship together you will experience God’s presence and be renewed in your spirit.


Restrooms are located down the hallway off the entrance area to the right as you face the back of the worship space. An accessible, gender-neutral bathroom is located through the doors to the right at the front of the worship space.


We believe God gave kids wiggles and giggles for a reason. And we want you to know that all children, whatever age, are welcome to show up as God made them – wiggles and giggles included. They have a rightful place as art of the Body of Christ.


Welcome Statement

At Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, we affirm that all people are children of God, loved by God, and all are one in Jesus Christ. We welcome all to worship with us and to participate fully in the life of the congregation and work toward racial equity. All are valued and respected without regard to age, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, racial identity, ethnic heritage, immigrant status, physical or mental ability, religious background, political preference, or economic status. In love, we welcome all!


The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Our services at Holy Trinity include the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We believe this is God’s table of grace and all are welcome. In this meal, we are joined together with the Communion of Saints. It is here that Jesus meets us and offers us forgiveness and healing. We are strengthened and equipped to leave this place and are sent out into the world to be the presence of Jesus through our words and actions. Please see the insert for distribution guidance.



At Holy Trinity we believe God has given us all that we have and all that we are. We believe that God works through generosity to change the world while also transforming the giver. You are invited to contribute financially to the mission and ministry of Holy Trinity as well as participate in the many and various opportunities to share God’s love in the community. If you would like to contribute via Venmo please use @HolyTrinity-LutheranChurch


Food Center of Love

Downstairs in the Outreach Ministry room you will find Food Center of Love, an Emergency Food Center. If you are here and need food, please stop by, pick up a bag, and take what you need. No questions asked.


The I'm New section can be used to answer the top 5-7 questions a new person would have before attending the church for the first time. One idea would be to set up the page in a FAQ format which answers each question in a clear and concise way. Some questions you may want to answer could include:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the worship services like?

  • how many people are there

Where do I enter for Sunday worship?

What about my kids? Are they welcome too?

Are there accessible entrances?

Are there gender neutral restrooms?

Is there hearing assistance technology?

How do I get connected and involved?

  • What is it like?
  • What about my kids?
  • Where do I park?
  • What do I wear?
  • How can I get connected?